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Reporting a NIS incident

If you are an operator of essential services not supervised by the National Bank of Belgium or a digital service provider, you must comply with the NIS Act of 7 April 2019 for reporting NIS incidents.

First, you should use the reporting platform provided to report an NIS incident (https://nis-incident.be)

If this platform is not available (due to technical or other issues), you can still report an NIS incident using the procedure described below:

  1. Download the NIS incident form (NL - FR - EN download links below)
  2. Please complete this document and send it via email to info@ccb.belgium.be (If possible, we recommend using PGP encryption to send this document)
  3. Upon receipt of the notification, CERT.be will forward it as soon as possible to the National Crisis Centre and the competent sectoral authority.

If you require urgent assistance with an incident, we advise you to call Cert.be immediately (+32 (0)2 501 05 60)