Education, skills & workforce development

In today’s increasingly digital world, cybersecurity skills are critical to protecting businesses, governments, and individuals from ever-evolving threats. However, as cyber-attacks grow in sophistication, the demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals is outpacing supply, leaving a significant workforce gap. Studies estimate that within the EU alone, hundreds of thousands of cybersecurity positions remain unfilled – posing risks to economic stability and national security. 

While the number of cybersecurity study programmes at Belgian higher education institutions has steadily grown in recent years, upskilling and reskilling initiatives remain essential to bridge the gap. The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium collaborates with national and international stakeholders to strengthen cybersecurity education and training. We coordinate efforts between EU entities, government departments, and academia to support a skilled and resilient cybersecurity workforce. 

pupils with laptops

Cybersecurity challenges

Cybersecurity challenges are essential for developing critical skills among students, identifying future talent, and raising awareness about cybersecurity. These competitions provide invaluable hands-on learning experiences that prepare the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. More than just contests, national and international cybersecurity challenges serve as flagship initiatives that attract young talent, inspire careers in cybersecurity, and highlight the importance of cybersecurity across society.  

The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium supports the Cybersecurity Challenge Belgium, the national competition that serves as a talent pool for the Belgian Red Daemons, Belgium’s national team for the European Cybersecurity Challenge (ECSC). Through these initiatives, we not only strengthen Belgium’s presence in international competitions but also invest in the next generation of cybersecurity professionals—reinforcing our nation’s commitment to cybersecurity excellence.  

For more information about the Belgian Red Daemons, feel free to reach out to us at 


Cybersecurity exercises

Cybersecurity exercises are a good approach to strengthen national and international cyber resilience. By simulating large-scale cyber incidents and crises, these exercises allow organisations to test their response capabilities, enhance coordination between stakeholders, and identify gaps in existing procedures – all without real-world consequences. 

The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium actively participates in major international cybersecurity exercises, including ENISA’s Cyber Europe and NATO’s Locked Shields, ensuring that Belgium remains prepared for evolving cyber threats. 

crisis exercise