

The CCB runs projects to strengthen federal public administration cybersecurity, considering these administrations crucial to Belgian security and key partners.
16 rue de la loi


The CyFun or Cyberfundamentals framework, including the toolbox to facilitate implementation of the framework, is available for public administrations. 

  • Cyberfundamentals➝ SMALL(only guidance) 
  • Cyberfundamentals➝ level BASIC 
  • Cyberfundamentals➝ level IMPORTANT
  • Cyberfundamentals➝ level ESSENTIAL

To the Cyberfundamentals Framework

Legal basis

One of our missions is to prepare, disseminate and supervise the implementation of standards, guidelines and security standards for the various information systems of the governments and public institutions (Royal Decree of 10 October 2014).

In addition, the CCB is designated as the national cybersecurity authority under the NIS2 law and is responsible for supervising, coordinating and ensuring the implementation of the national cybersecurity strategy.