www.belgium.be Logo of the federal government

Report an incident

First port of call in the event of a cyberattack

Are you a victim of a cyber attackand do you think that the attack is still underway?

If so, take these steps

Advice for transparent communication during a cyberattack.

Reporting form

I am a business, a government service, a (non-profit) organisation, a NIS2 entity or an institution of vital importance

I would like to report an incident or get support regarding an incident

Report a suspicious message

I have received a suspicious message and want to report it. Forward the message to suspicious@safeonweb.be.

More information about suspicious@safeonweb

Report by e-mail

I want to send an e-mail to the CERT: use info[at]ccb.belgium.be

I want to send an encrypted e-mail to the CERT.

Exchange information securely?

Use the Traffic Light Protocol (TLP)


Opening hours

The national CSIRT can be contacted by e-mail (info@ccb.belgium.be) during office hours (09.30 to 16.30) from Monday to Friday, outside official closing days. The receipt of mails sent to the national CSIRT is automatically acknowledged within minutes. This automatic system gives a unique number to each report. It is not said that the CSIRT will systematically reply to the mail; this depends on the severity of the incident and the capacity of the correspondent.  In cooperation with the National Crisis Centre (NCCN) of the Ministry of the Interior, the national CSIRT can be reached by telephone around the clock to handle incidents for providers of essential services and critical infrastructures.