Who still believes in fairy tales? We all do! Did you know that fairy tales usually contain a hidden message or life lesson? Safeonweb has adapted some well-known fairy tales and incorporated a lesson on safe internet use in each one. Our Safeonweb fairy tales were liked by the European jury and are rewarded with an award. They will be shared in the other member states
ECSM Awards 2024
The ECSM Awards are an initiative to reward successful and/or innovative promotional material produced by EU Member States. The award categories are: best video, best infographic and best educational material. The ECSM Awards concept is now in its third year.
During October, the winning material will be promoted through ECSM social media channels, alongside the ECSM campaign.
Check out this year's winners:
Best infographic: Spain - Principales configuraciones del router | Ciudadanía | INCIBE
Best educational material: Greece - Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη : Συμβουλές για γονείς - ΑΙ: Tips for parents | SaferInternet4kids
Best video: Belgium - The fairy tales of Safeonweb : Tech Scam (episode 2) (youtube.com)