Initiatives for
As the national authority for Cybersecurity the CCB has developed several initiatives for specific publics which are presented here.
The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium is operating both on national and international levels to increase cybersecurity.
It's mission is firstly to ensure coordination between the services and authorities concerned, and the public authorities and the private or academic sectors.
Secondly, it is responsible for coordinating Belgium's representation in international cyber security forums, for monitoring international obligations and for proposing national positions in this area. Therefore it coordinates - or is represented in - various national platforms sharing cyber security knowledge and the evolution of the cyber threat between the security services concerned, public authorities, and the private and academic sectors.
The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium, as national authority for cybersecurity, is responsible for monitoring, coordinating and supervising the implementation of cybersecurity policy in Belgium, managing various projects in the field of cyber security from an integrated and centralised approach, ensuring coordination between the services and authorities concerned, and between public authorities and the private and academic sectors.
As a result it leads or participates in various national networks and platforms.
The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium maintains bilateral relations with its counterparts in different countries and with various stakeholders. Furthermore, it coordinates the Belgian representation in international cybersecurity forums while following up on international commitments and on proposals of national positions in this area.