A cyber strategy 2.0 to make Belgium one of the least vulnerable countries in Europe

On 20 May 2021, the National Security Council (NSC) approved the details of the cyber security strategy 2.0. This strategy forms the framework for Belgium's hoizontal approach to cyber threats and opportunities. It should make Belgium one of the least vulnerable countries in Europe.
The emergence of an increasingly digital society and the growing use of new technologies are accompanied worldwide by more cyberattacks. As recent events have once again demonstrated, these attacks are increasingly extensive and serious.
The constant evolution of cyberspace and the challenges that come with it have led our country to continuously invest in infrastructure and security for many years. The most recent example: cyber security is one of the central pillars of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience that Belgium submitted to the European Commission at the end of April.
With the approval by the National Security Council, Belgium is adopting a new and very ambitious strategy for cybersecurity. This plan is based on six specific objectives:
- to strenghten the digital environment and increase trust in it
- to arm the users and admins of computers and networks
- to protect vital organizations against cyberthreats
- to respond to cyberthreats
- to improve public, private and academic collaboration
- to demonstrate a clear international commitment

The outlined cyber security 2.0 strategy aims to make Belgium one of the least vulnerable countries in Europe in terms of cyber security by 2025.
Cybersecurity is not only a priority for Belgium, it also represents a huge opportunity for our companies and SMEs, which have a lot of expertise in this field. We will continue to invest in the protection of our citizens and our systems against cybercriminals and at the same time we will do everything in our power to develop an ecosystem that promotes innovation in the field of cyber security in Belgium.