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In March 2022, Digital Ministers decided in Nevers to create a cybersecurity emergency response fund. During the summer, the European Cyber agency (ENISA) was tasked to roll-out, as a pilot-project in this regard, the implementation of a Cybersecurity Support Action that includes the provision of support services to Operators of Essential services in European Union Member States.

The objective of this Action is to help further mitigate the risks of large-scale cybersecurity incidents in the short term, both by preventive and reactive services, which are offered free of charge.

How will it work? ENISA will engage cybersecurity service providers via dedicated public tenders, and offer them to each Member State. National Authorities will coordinate to engage these services for the national operators of essential services who indicate to be in need of such services.

A Call for Tenders was already launched by ENISA to provide support in the implementation of the aforementioned task and specifically in the delivery of cyber security services to increase support for preparedness (ex-ante) and response (ex-post) cyber security services in the Union (more info on the tender and the content of the services see: https://www.enisa.europa.eu/procurement/supporting-enisa-for-the-provision-of-services-under-the-cybersecurity-support-action ).

These services provided by ENISA are intended to complement efforts by European Union Member States and those at Union level to further improve their readiness and capability to respond to large-scale cybersecurity incidents or crises.

What services will be offered? ENISA has defined a list of services to be provided to European Union Member States under its task. This list includes both ex-ante and ex-post services:

  • Ex-ante services are defined as cyber security services which will contribute to increased preparedness and resilience of the Union’s essential and important entities (In the form of support for cybersecurity exercises and capability assessment and assistance with threat assessment)
  • Ex-post services are defined as cyber security services which help aforementioned entities to respond to an actual incident (In the form of technical help with Incident management)

The CCB will be the single point of contact for coordinating service requests in Belgium. The delivery of the service will be between the service requestor (CCB) and ENISA acting as the service manager and service delivery party. ENISA will remain the sole responsible for service delivery.

To coordinate the national interest in such services for Belgian Organizations of Vital Interest, the CCB has set up a short survey. Please fill in by 20 October Close of Business, to indicate your potential interest in this.