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About us

The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB) is the national authority for cybersecurity in Belgium. The CCB supervises, coordinates and monitors the application of the Belgian cyber security strategy. Through optimal information exchange, companies, the government, providers of essential services and the population can protect themselves appropriately.
The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB) was established by Royal Decree of 10 October 2014 and operates under the authority of the Prime Minister.
It is headed by director-general Miguel De Bruycker and deputy director-general Phédra Clouner.


As a national authority, the CCB's tasks are the following:

  • Monitoring, coordinating and supervising the implementation of Belgian policy on the subject;
  • Managing the various projects on the topic of cyber security using an integrated and centralized approach;
  • Ensuring coordination between the relevant government departments and governments, as well as the public authorities and the private or scientific sectors;
  • Formulating proposals aimed at adapting the regulatory framework in the field of cyber security;
  • Ensuring crisis management in case of cyber incidents in cooperation with the government's Coordination and Crisis Centre;
  • Preparing, disseminating and supervising the implementation of standards, guidelines and security standards for the various information systems of the governments and public institutions;
  • Coordinating the Belgian representation in international cyber security forums, coordinating the monitoring of international commitments and national proposals on this subject;
  • Coordinating the evaluation and certification process for the security of information and communication systems;
  • Informing and raising awareness among users on information and communication systems.


The CCB has the following values

  • Integration: the CCB contributes to an integrated and coordinated approach to national cyber security
  • Empowerment: the CCB empowers the relevant departments and provides them with support.
  • Balance: the CCB maintains the balance between security and fundamental rights, values and needs of modern society.
  • Innovation: the CCB encourages the development of new ideas and possibilities which can improve cyber security in Belgium and throughout the world
  • Integrity: the CCB acts honestly and honourably

National Cyber Security Strategy

On 20 May 2021, the National Security Council (NVR) approved the details of the cyber security strategy 2.0. This strategy is the framework for Belgium's cross-cutting approach to cyber threats and opportunities for our country. It should make Belgium one of the least vulnerable countries in Europe.



The CCB’s mission is firstly to ensure coordination between the services and authorities concerned, and the public authorities and the private or academic sectors. Secondly, it is responsible for coordinating Belgium's representation in international cyber security forums, for monitoring international obligations and for proposing national positions in this area.

The CCB therefore coordinates - or is represented in - various national platforms sharing cyber security knowledge and the evolution of the cyber threat between the security services concerned, public authorities, and the private and academic sectors.

someone typing on a keyboard

Cyber Threat Research and Intelligence Sharing (CyTRIS)

The CyTRIS (Cyber Threat Research and Intelligence Sharing) Department of the Center for Cybersecurity Belgium monitors the cyber threats and publishes regular reports. The Team collects, analyzes and distributes information on threats, vulnerabilities and attacks on the information and communication systems of Belgium's vital sectors (critical infrastructure, government systems, critical data).

CyTRIS is also responsible for the Early Warning System (EWS). The EWS includes the information exchange platforms of the Belgian CSIRT. CyTRIS is responsible for the operational communication and information exchange with other national CSIRT. CyTRIS also provides the "Spear Warning" procedure. A "Spear Warning" is an individual warning about an infection or vulnerability sent to organizations.

The Quarterly Cyber Threat Report (QCTR) events, organized by CyTRIS, bring together different stakeholders and consultation platforms at least once a quarter and inform all participants as well as the Organizations of Vital Interest about the active cyber threats. At the QCTR event, the operation of the Early Warning System (EWS) is also discussed. Through this platform, the CyTRIS Team sends pertinent and analyzed threat information to national security agencies, Vital Interest Organizations, their sectoral authorities and other partners. 

The QCTR is also offered as a webinar and is open to anyone, worldwide (https://app.livestorm.co/ccb?lang=en).



The Cyber Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Within the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB), the task of the CERT is to analyse, contain, mitigate, and eradicate cyber-attacks within Belgium. The CERT provides technical expertise and assistance to other governmental departments. Some services are delivered proactively, however the bulk of the work the CERT undertakes is similar to that of a cyber-firefighter.